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Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
While the COVID-19 pandemic has affected different people in different ways, a recent nationwide Cigna-M/A/R/C® research survey uncovers a few positive outcomes. Many people report stronger...
Apr 1, 2021 -
Almost half of global respondents said concern for the future is currently their greatest cause of stress.
Feb 24, 2021 -
The signs of a heart attack can be easily overlooked. Chest pain can be mistaken for heartburn, stress or a muscle pull — all small aches that can be easy to dismiss.
Feb 15, 2021 -
People with higher levels of personal resilience are also more proactive with their heart health.
Jan 14, 2021 -
Approximately 10 months into the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the world is still grappling with outbreaks and stay-at-home orders. The good news is that some of the vaccines being...
Nov 23, 2020 -
These days, there are plenty of things to stress about, but managing diabetes shouldn’t be one of them. To help those who’ve been diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes better navigate care...
Nov 23, 2020 -
A new survey from Cigna International Markets reveals the tightening and loosening of protective COVID-19 measures are negatively affecting individuals.
Oct 22, 2020 -
COVID-19 has put many things on hold this year, but one thing it shouldn’t interrupt is preventative care.
- Healthcare Expertise
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
- Healthier Communities
- Whole Person Health
- Workforce Health & Well-Being
Oct 1, 2020 -
They rush the scene when others are fleeing. They are the protectors and the helping hands. Emergency responders are used to saving lives, and now Cigna is making sure that these frontline workers...
- Healthcare Expertise
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
- Healthier Communities
- Whole Person Health
- Workforce Health & Well-Being
Sep 1, 2020 -
According to the Cigna COVID-19 Global Impact Study: New Directions [PDF] part of Cigna’s annual 360 Well-Being Survey, availability and access to virtual health has become increasingly...
Sep 1, 2020