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Mar 16, 2021
New Study on Long-Term COVID-19 Impact – Beyond Respiratory Conditions

In one of the first nationwide aggregate COVID-19 studies published by a health plan, Cigna revealed that the most common long-term complications from COVID-19 infection among the American...

In one of the first nationwide aggregate COVID-19 studies published by a health plan, Cigna revealed that the most common long-term complications from COVID-19 infection among the American workforce include issues with the nervous system (such as headaches, migraines and seizures), hypertension, depression and substance use disorders, in addition to the well-documented respiratory issues. Based on these new insights, Cigna is building a predictive model to identify at-risk individuals and quickly provide supportive tools and resources. This data can help employers proactively prepare for these potential long-term effects of COVID-19, and supply additional physical and behavioral health support needed to ease their employees’ recovery and return to work.

Read the article on the long-term effects of COVID-19. [PDF]