To better understand the current state of employee health and well-being, we scoured the web to collect some of the most relevant stats on the behavioral challenges the workforce is currently grappling with, specific demographics experiencing challenges, how American workers define health and well-being, and how employers are showing up for their people.
Most companies are talking about, investing in, and putting resources behind fostering employee health and well-being – and rightfully so.
Three key reasons are that healthy employees cost less, have lower absenteeism, and have higher productivity, which all affect a business’ bottom line.
To better understand the current state of employee health and well-being, we scoured the web to collect some of the most relevant stats on the behavioral challenges the workforce is currently grappling with, specific demographics experiencing challenges, how American workers define health and well-being, and how employers are showing up for their people.
1. One in four Americans have struggled with depression since the pandemic started; 47% feel lonelier; 30% have developed generalized anxiety disorders; and twice as many said they considered suicide in 2020 than in 2018. (Source: Cigna)
2. The American workforce is clearly dealing with a variety of behavioral health issues, yet only half of these individuals will seek the treatment they need. (Source: Cigna)
3. About 49% of the U.S. workforce has an alcohol or substance misuse problem. (Source: Cigna)
4. A series of consumer surveys and interviews indicate differences among generations, with Generation Z reporting the least positive life outlook, including lower levels of emotional and social well-being than older generations. One in four Gen Z respondents report feeling more emotionally distressed (25%), almost double the levels reported by Millennial and Gen X respondents (13% each), and more than triple the levels reported by Baby Boomer respondents (8%). (Source: McKinsey)
5. Women are also at risk. Forty-two percent of women report being burned out at work. (Source: McKinsey)
6. With the “Great Resignation” upon us, workers are leaving their jobs in droves looking for better work-life balance. Employee retention is a top priority for businesses today. Employers should consider that employees who typically feel tense or stressed out during the workday are more than three times as likely to seek employment elsewhere in the next year (71% vs. 20%). (Source: American Psychological Association)
8. So, what exactly is causing workplace stress and burnout? Employees cite low salaries (56%), long hours (54%), and lack of opportunity for growth or advancement (52%) as the most significant factors. (Source: American Psychological Association)
9. Additionally, the things that are affecting employees at home are also impacting their performance at work. For example, the number of teenagers facing mental health issues has been rising every year, and the recent upheavals in their lives due to COVID-19 boosted that number to dramatic heights. This sudden effect of the pandemic on teenage emotional health is putting overwhelming demands on parents, making a distressing impact on life at home as well as at work. Nearly one-fifth (18%) of working parents report that their teenager’s emotional state has a negative impact on their job performance and productivity. (Source: Economist Impact and Cigna)
10. The good news is that employers understand the importance of health and wellness and are expanding their support efforts in mental health and well-being (92% say they are prioritizing this), work-life balance (74%), caregiving/ child support (55%), and financial support (83%). (Source: Society for Human Resources Management)
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